Time to dust off those My Nintendo accounts!
To those unfamiliar with it, this is Nintendo's loyal rewards system which replaced Club Nintendo a few years ago. While it is easier to collect certain type of points by simply playing Nintendo's mobile games and performing other tasks, most people still find it lackluster because of the actual rewards.
Nintendo just announced that you will now be able to use My Nintendo Gold Points to redeem select digital games and DLCs for Nintendo Switch starting early March. Previously, these points are only good for discounts, digital guidebooks, wallpaper, 3DS themes, and select indie games.
You earn Gold Points every time you purchase select digital games from the Switch/3DS eShop, if you have linked your Nintendo Network ID (NNID) to a Nintendo Account. Points do expire and validity will depend on its type.
Gold Points are valid until the last day of the month, 12 months after you earn them. For example, points earned on February 9, 2018 would expire on February 28, 2019. All types of Platinum Points are valid until the last day of the month, 6 months after you earn them. For example, points earned on February 9, 2018 would expire on August 31, 2018. You can check expiring coins by logging to your My Nintendo account and accessing this link.
Are you satisfied with this update or would you prefer a physical reward similar to Club Nintendo?
Source: Nintendo