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John Joseph Apolinar

Will February's lineup fill up the aching void within your hearts?

The 3DS is receiving 2 major games this time around. Ironically, Etrian Odyssey Nexus and YO-KAI WATCH 3 are the last iteration of their core series on the handheld.

The list for the Switch continues to grow as it features a hefty amount of retail releases with RIOT - Civil Unrest, The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2, The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders, STEINS;GATE ELITE, Aragami: Shadow Edition, Child of Light Ultimate Edition + Valiant Hearts: The Great War, and Rad Rodgers Radical Edition.

Notable digital-exclusive titles on the Nintendo Switch eShop also include Wargroove- an Advance Wars-esque game with a fantasy twist, BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition - an anime-style 2-D fighting video game, NEKOPARA Vol. 2 - an adult-themed visual novel, and Tokyo School Life - another Japanese visual novel with a more mellow theme.

Note: The information below are the tentative release dates for Nintendo 3DS and Switch games in North America (also known as US, Asian, or MDE) unless otherwise stated. The local retail prices mentioned below are just approximate values based on the US SRP and the current exchange rate at the time of writing. Tax, shipping, and other fees are not taken into consideration. Final price will only be revealed by the retailers on the actual local release date itself. Games with the 🎮 symbol mean that physical copies will be available. Otherwise, those with no prices under the Retail column (indicated by -) mean that they are eShop-exclusive digital titles. The TBA tag will be used for games that have yet to update their prices.

Nintendo 3DS

Date Title eShop Retail
05 🎮 Etrian Odyssey Nexus $39.99 P2,090
08 🎮 YO-KAI WATCH 3 $39.99 P2,090
14 Love Hero $1.00 -

Nintendo Switch

Date Title eShop Retail
01 Thea: The Awakening $17.99 -
01 Wargroove $19.99 -
04 Magic Nations $3.00 -
05 Avenger Bird $2.30 -
05 🎮 RIOT - Civil Unrest $19.99 P1,045
05 🎮 The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 $29.99 P1,570
05 The Path of Motus $14.99 -
07 AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected $16.99 -
07 BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition $49.99 -
07 Defense Grid 2 $19.99 -
07 Estiman $1.99 -
07 Evoland Legendary Edition $19.99 -
07 Magic Scroll Tactics $11.99 -
07 Mercury Race $7.99 -
07 Observer $29.99 -
07 Percy's Predicament Deluxe $5.99 -
07 Pocket Academy $12.00 -
07 Pumped BMX Pro $14.99 -
07 Reverie: Sweet As Edition $12.99 -
07 Sky Gamblers - Afterburner $19.99 -
07 Solstice Chronicles: MIA $14.99 -
07 The Stillness of the Wind $12.99 -
08 99Moves $2.99 -
08 Access Denied $4.99 -
08 City of Brass $19.99 -
08 Doom of Destiny $11.99 -
08 Food Truck Tycoon $4.99 -
08 🎮 Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 $59.99 P3,140
08 Odallus: The Dark Call $11.99 -
08 Oniken: Unstoppable Edition $9.99 -
08 Stunt Kite Party $9.99 -
12 Minesweeper Genius $5.99 -
12 The King's Bird $19.99 -
12 🎮 The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince $59.99 P3,140
13 Iron Crypticle $9.99 -
14 Cinders $19.99 -
14 LOVE $2.99 -
14 NEKOPARA Vol. 2 $14.99 -
14 OlliOlli: Switch Stance $14.99 -
14 Strikey Sisters $9.99 -
14 Tokyo School Life $14.99 -
15 🎮 DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders $39.99 P2,090
19 🎮 STEINS;GATE ELITE $53.99 P2,825
21 🎮 Aragami: Shadow Edition $29.99 P1,570
21 Hell Warders $14.99 -
21 X-Morph: Defense $19.99 -
22 Quest for the Golden Duck $9.99 -
26 🎮 Child of Light Ultimate Edition + Valiant Hearts: The Great War TBA TBA
26 🎮 Rad Rodgers Radical Edition $29.99 P1,570

The eShop usually updates at 12 PM or 3 PM of the same day or at 12 AM of the next day, Philippine Time. Local retailers like DataBlitz and Game One PH/ i.TECH will usually sell physical copies at the date of release, unless unforeseen shipments or delivery problems occur.

Which games are you interested in? You can also join our group chat over our Discord server through this link.

Source: Nintendo
Thumbnail inspired by: Kwentong Jollibee Valentine Series 2019: Choice

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