The latest firmware update for the Nintendo Switch offers some new features aside from stability. 6 New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe icons for users and additional language support options have been added. In addition, the Joy-Cons also received an update of their own but the exact nature of this remains unknown at the time of writing.
Here's the official changelog from Nintendo:
- Select from six new New Super Mario Bros.™ U Deluxe icons for your user.
To edit your user icon, head to your My Page > Profile on the top left of the HOME menu- Added additional language support to the HOME Menu for Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), and Korean
To change the language, head to the System Settings > System > Language- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience
How to perform a System Update:
In most situations, the Nintendo Switch will automatically download the most recent system update while it is connected online. You can verify your current menu version and manually start the update from the System Settings menu if necessary. If you are unable to perform the system update, restart your console and try again.

How to update your controllers:
From the HOME Menu select "System Settings" > "Controllers and Sensors" > "Update Controllers." The controller firmware can be updated while the controller is attached to the Nintendo Switch console or while it is connected wirelessly. In order to update the controller firmware, the controller must be paired to the console and powered on. If multiple controllers are paired to the console, the firmware will be updated one controller at a time.
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Source: Nintendo Switch System Updates and Change History