These are the tentative US release dates for Nintendo Switch games. Japanese-exclusives will be indicated by the [JPN] tag. The Nintendo Switch is region-free so you will be able to play Japanese games on your US systems. Not all Japanese games feature a multi-language option though.
Some of the games have yet to release an updated trailer so some of the ones featured below are from other platforms. The Nintendo Switch eShop usually updates at 12 PM or 3 PM of the same day or at 12 AM of the next day, Philippine time. Local retailers will usually sell physical copies at the date of release, unless unforeseen shipments or delivery problems occur.
For pricing and availability concerns, we highly recommend that you ask DataBlitz or Game One Gadget/ i.TECH directly. You can ask them in person, through their Facebook pages, or via phone. Here's our Game Retailer Branches and Contacts list for reference. Note: TBA means to be announced.
You can also check our Upcoming 3DS Games page instead for handheld releases.
02 - Morphite (eShop-exclusive)4th Quarter (October, November, December)
02 - Sparkle 2 EVO (eShop-exclusive)
02 - Super Beat Sports (eShop-exclusive)
02 - Wheels of Aurelia (eShop-exclusive)
03 - Farming Simulator Switch Edition
07 - Heroes of the Monkey Tavern (eShop-exclusive)
07 - Sonic Forces
10 - Snipperclips Plus
10 - Cat Quest (eShop-exclusive)
10 - DOOM
14 - Batman: The Telltale Series
14 - L.A. Noire
14 - RiME
14 - Rocket League
17 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
17 - VVVVVV (eShop-exclusive)
21 - MXGP3-The Official Motocross Videogame
30 - Syberia 2
TBA - WWE 2K18TBA 2017
TBA - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
TBA - Yoku's Island Express
TBA - Phantom TriggerQ1 2018
TBA - Death Squared
TBA - Ironcast
TBA - Rive
TBA - Infinite Minigolf
TBA - Celeste
TBA - Troll and I
TBA - Shakedown Hawaii
TBA - Redout
TBA - WarGroove
TBA - Kingdom: Two Crowns
TBA - Hollow Knight
TBA - Duck Game
TBA - Bulb Boy
TBA - Dungeon of Zaar
TBA - Nine Parchments
TBA - Payday 2
TBA - Puzzle Box
TBA - Riftstar Raiders
TBA - Sengoku
TBA - Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura
TBA - Terraria
TBA - Ittle Dew 2
TBA - Away: Journey to the Unexpected
TBA - Enter the Gungeon
TBA - Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
TBA - Steep
TBA - Rogue Trooper: Redux
TBA - Flipping Death
TBA - Tank It!
TBA - Portal Knights
TBA - Yooka-Laylee
TBA - Shots Fired (eShop-exclusive)TBA 2018
TBA - Original Journey (eShop-exclusive)
TBA - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
TBA - Lost Sphear
TBA - Syberia 3
TBA - Penny Punching PrincessTBA
TBA - Pokemon for Nintendo Switch
TBA - Kirby for Nintendo Switch
TBA - The Secret Hero
TBA - Fire Emblem for Nintendo Switch
TBA - Indivisible
TBA - No More Heroes for Nintendo Switch
TBA - Beyond Good and Evil 2
TBA - Pikmin 4
TBA - Kid Tripp
TBA - Rainway
TBA - 0000
TBA - Aces of the Luftwaffe
TBA - AeternoBlade 2
TBA - Anonymous;Code
TBA - Backslash
TBA - BlazBlue for Nintendo Switch
TBA - Cat Quest
TBA - Derby Stallion for Nintendo Switch
TBA - Dragon Quest XI
TBA - Dusty Raging Fist
TBA - Earth Atlantis
TBA - Flat Heroes
TBA - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
TBA - Huntdown
TBA - Hydra Castle Labyrinth
TBA - I and Me
TBA - L.F.O. - Lost Future Omega
TBA - League of Evil
TBA - Levels+
TBA - Nobunaga's Ambition: Taishi
TBA - Ohayou! Beginner's Japanese
TBA - Old Time Hockey
TBA - Overcooked: Special Edition
TBA - Owlboy
TBA - Piczle Lines DX
TBA - Plantera DX
TBA - Project Octopath Traveler
TBA - Racing Apex
TBA - Re:Legend
TBA - Riverside
TBA - Seasons of Heaven
TBA - She Remembered Caterpillars
TBA - Shin Megami Tensei for Nintendo Switch
TBA - Story of Seasons for Nintendo Switch
TBA - Sunu Ikkibu: Din Nahu
TBA - Taiko Drum Master for Nintendo Switch
TBA - Tales for Nintendo Switch
TBA - Touhou Genso Wanderer
TBA - Towerfall: Ascension
TBA - YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
Last updated: July 15, 2017