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A report from Froilan Blanco III, one of the Event Organizers from the recently concluded Alpha Hunters 03.15.15 Event.

"Our StreetPass event was scheduled to start at 1PM. Unfortunately, I arrived late and some members were already at the venue by 2PM. After a little get-together talk and a couple of foodtrips, we decided to start hunting. From time to time, members keep on coming. We even met one NEW member (Chris), who actually found us through Project StreetPass (NICE!).

Grouping ourselves, some members hunted for materials while others boosted fellow hunters. As usual, we had our break after a few hunts (for those who want to eat, chat, smoke, restroom break, etc.). Some of the co-admins arrived at 4:30PM and 6PM. Unfortunately, I had to go home early because of a few errands I needed to do. The rest of my co-admins stayed at Usagi until around 10:30PM.

Until next time. HAPPY HUNTING!"

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