As a recap, it has been 6 months since the last major Nintendo Direct presentation aired in September. We also had a Mini-Direct last January but this was dedicated to the Nintendo Labo peripherals. People were naturally itching for some new major announcements especially since the Switch just turned 1 year this month.
Nintendo just announced that a 30-minute Nintendo Direct featuring upcoming Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS games will go live on March 9 at 6:00 a.m. Philippine time. The presentation will also include new details on Mario Tennis Aces for the Switch. These presentations are livestreamed through their official Youtube, Twitch, and Facebook channels.
Aside from pending major first-party Nintendo Switch games like Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and Metroid Prime 4, fans are also hoping to hear more details regarding the future of the Nintendo 3DS. Just last year, Pokemon and Fire Emblem developers have confirmed that the Switch is now the new home of their main series games. The company did reiterate however that they will continue to support the 7-year old handheld in line with the Switch.
Which announcements are you hoping to hear from the Direct?
Source: Nintendo
Original background photo from: Marketing Interactive