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John Joseph Apolinar

This might be a sad news for Mii enthusiasts especially those who are still affected by Miiverse's discontinuation last November.

Nintendo announced that they will cease support for Miitomo on May 9, 2018 at 3 PM Philippine Time. In line with this, they will disable the ability to purchase Miitomo Coins using real money on January 25, 2018 at 9 AM local time but additional Miitomo Coins and Game Tickets are planned to be offered as login bonus so players can still enjoy the game until its end of service. Refunds for unused Miitomo Coins purchased using real money will be issued as well and more details about this will be available in the future.

First released internationally last March 17, 2016 (November 16, 2016 for the Philippines), Miitomo was Nintendo's first bonafide software on the mobile platform. It's a quirky freemium social networking app heavily inspired by Tomodachi Life, Nintendo's quirky simulation game on the 3DS. Some may even view Miitomo as a pre-cursor to Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Simple mini-games allow you to earn rewards that you can use to customize your Miis and your room. Surprisingly, censorship was not implemented strictly unless you manually report a specific post or Mii. This help spawn a multitude of eccentric memes akin to those in Miiverse.

Here are other details regarding the shut down:
  • If you launch the app after the end of service on 5/9, you'll see a message informing you that service has ended. You will no longer be able to use any of the app's features.
  • You will no longer be able to see your answers or messages in the app.
  • You will no longer be able to use items you've obtained in the app, such as clothing items, wallpapers, or posters.
  • You can transfer your Mii character to your Nintendo Account by linking it to Miitomo. (Its personality and other information will not be carried over.)
  • Sidekick Mii characters will be deleted. You can keep Sidekick Mii characters by saving them as a QR Code before the end of service on 5/9/2018 3 PM (Philippine Time). They can then be transferred to Mii Maker on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems or the Wii U console.
  • You will not be able to view Miifotos, including Miifotos you have shared to your social media channels. If you want to save any Miifotos, you must save them to your smart device before 5/9/2018 3 PM (Philippine Time).
  • Miitomo- themed icons and clothing items used in your Nintendo Account or the Super Mario Run game will not display after the service has ended.

Nintendo's remaining supported mobile games now include Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, Fire Emblem Heroes, and Super Mario Run, the former 2 of which are still not available in the Philippines.

Source: Nintendo

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