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John Joseph Apolinar

Our friends from PGP: Pilipinas Got Pokemon ( Pokemon VGC Philippines ) are inviting Pokemon fans to their Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Launch Event at Robinsons Galleria Courtside!

This is a separate tournament from the one hosted by PKMN-ph: Pokémon Philippines on November 18.

This might also be the last local competition that will use the 2017 VGC format before they transition into the 2018 VGC format in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
  • Robinson's Galleria → Sports Loop 3rd floor at Courtside kiosk
  • 3F Robinsons Galleria Ortigas Center, 1605 Pasig
  • Sunday, November 26, 2017
Registration Fee
  • P200
  • You can pre-register here (deadline: November 24)
    Pre-registrants will be prioritized for the free ID and pin distributions
  • Guaranteed copy of Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
  • Other prizes will depend on the number of participants

Pokemon VGC 2017 Format

Standard Ruleset

  • All matches are played in the Doubles format.
  • All Pokémon are set to Lv. 50, including Pokémon below Lv. 50.
  • Players choose 4 of their 6 registered Pokémon after team preview.
  • Alola PokeDex restriction: All Pokémon must have the Alola symbol (4-Leaf Clover) on their stats page indicating they were caught, bred, or received as an official gift in Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon. This means that transferred Pokemon from previous generations are not allowed. Pokemon with OR/AS Tutor Moves are not allowed.
  • Species Clause: No two Pokémon on your team can share the same Pokédex number.
  • Item Clause: No two Pokémon on your team can hold the same held item.
  • The following items are banned: Mega Stones
  • The following Pokémon are banned (all forms):
    - Cosmog
    - Cosmoem
    - Solgaleo
    - Lunala
    - Necrozma
    - Magearna
    - Ash-Greninja
    - Pokémon not captured or hatched in Sun & Moon

General Rules


  • Only legitimate copies of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon for the Nintendo 3DS are allowed in the competition.
  • Please refrain from using Pokémon of questionable origin (hacked, modified, Powersaved, etc.).
  • Players found to have illegal copies of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon or Pokémon that have been tampered with will be disqualified from the event and banned from future Tournaments, regardless of whether the player tampered with his or her game or received a Pokémon or item that was tampered with by someone other than the player.

Should the time limit expire before a player knocks out his or her opponent’s final Pokémon, the winner of the game is determined based on the criteria below.

I. Remaining Pokémon
  1. If one player has more remaining Pokémon than the other, that player wins the game.
  2. If both players have the same number of Pokémon remaining, the result of the game is determined by average percentage of HP remaining, as described below.
II. Average Percentage of HP Remaining
  1. If one player’s team has a higher average percentage of HP remaining, that player wins the game.
  2. If both players’ teams have the same average HP remaining, the result of the game is determined by amount of HP remaining, as described below.
III. Amount of Total HP Remaining
  1. If one player’s team has a higher total HP remaining, that player wins the game.
  2. If both players’ teams have the same total HP remaining, the result of the game is a tie.

Additional Rules

  • The organizer(s) have a final say as regards to any complications that may occur (e.g. disconnection problems, no-shows, etc.).
  • Only players who have duly accomplished the registration form for this tournament will be allowed to participate.
  • Players who fail to follow the aforementioned rules will be subject to disqualification.

Spread the word! If you know other StreetPass communities who regularly hold local multiplayer sessions for 3DS games, please refer us to them!

After registering through Project StreetPass, they can then notify us of upcoming events so we can share it on our different channels. Registered venues will be added here while submitted events will be posted on this link.


Special Edition Fire Emblem Warriors Now Available
Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Launch Event
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