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The Pokemon Company recently revealed that a Pokemon Direct will take place this evening at 11 PM Philippine time. You can watch the Direct through the video below once it becomes available later.

The contents of tonight's Direct is anybody's guess.

As a recap, here's what we're hoping to see later:
  • Confirmation regarding the authenticity of the rumored Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon "leak".
  • Information regarding the enhanced version of sequel of the 6th Generation (Pokemon X/Y).
  • Information regarding the next generation (7th Generation) following Magiana's reveal.
  • New information pertaining to the upcoming mobile game Pokemon Go.
  • More Pokemon-related events following the 20th Anniversary of the series.
  • Potential localization of some Japan-exclusive 3DS Pokemon titles (eg: Great Detective Pikachu: The Birth of a New Duo, Pokemon Tretta Lab, etc).
What are your expectations? Hype boosters are definitely on the maximum!

via Twitch

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