The 20th Anniversary of the Pokemon franchise is right around the corner. What better way of hyping things up than to reveal a big surprise out of nowhere!
The latest issue of CoroCoro Magazine in Japan revealed the silhouette of a brand new Pokemon that's currently not included in the 721 PokeDex entries in Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire.
You can check the original Magazine scan below from Serebii:

Specific details have yet to surface but we do know that the mysterious Pokemon in question is called Magiana (マギアナ). More info to come!
Its classification is Man-Made Pokémon. No type has been revealed. Posses a metalic body, text confirms it was 'made by human hands'. It was made over 500 years ago. Volcanion is chasing Magiana, only it knows Magiana's secret. The movie is to be called Volcanion and the Exquisite Magiana.

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via Serebii