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John Joseph Apolinar

Polish video game company Teyon, known for giving us several affordable and quirky games in the eShop along with its weekly Lucky Friday draw, wants to start the year with a bang with another awesome giveaway!

Nintendo eShop codes for the steam punk shoot'em up Steel Empire will be given away to 5 lucky North American (the same region as US, Asian, & MDE) 3DS users.

  • Go to Facebook.
  • Visit and Like Teyon's Official Facebook Page.
  • Share Teyon's post on your timeline. Be sure that your post is set to Public.
  • Answer the question "Why should you get a copy of Steel Empire?" in the comments section of Teyon's post. Be creative!
  • Be sure to indicate that you own a US system.
  • Each person is only allowed to submit 1 entry.
Teyon will post the winners next Monday on January 18, 2016 at 11:00 PM Philippine time on their page. The game, which was originally released on the Sega Genesis and the Game Boy Advance, can be normally purchased for $29.99 exclusively from the 3DS eShop.

Here's the official trailer for Steel Empire:

Disclaimer: This promo is organized and managed by Teyon.

via Teyon

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